As the weather gets cooler and your grass grows less, it may be time to store your mower and other lawn equipment. However, before you roll it in your garage or shed for the next few months, you’ll need to give it a good cleaning. After all, you need your lawn equipment to be in good working order when spring comes, and dirty blades and corroded motors won’t give you the results you’d hoped for.
Of all the equipment you own, your outdoor lawn equipment can get the most dirty. As you tackle tough projects around your landscape throughout the year, it is normal to see some buildup of dirt and grime on your equipment. Whether it is your lawn mower, edger or rake, you must keep your tools clean in order to extend its lifespan and allow them to do its job.
When you don’t take care of your lawn tools and equipment, the overall health and performance will inevitably suffer. For example, when grime accumulates on your mower blades or other moving parts, it restricts movement and lowers the efficiency. This can cost you in terms of new parts or tools as well as more frequent lawn services. In some cases, dirty or neglected equipment can even pose a safety risk.
While it is very important to clean your outdoor equipment before you store it for winter, we hope that you do this job more than once a year. The more frequently you clean your lawn tools, the easier and quicker it will be each time. A thick and hardened layer of dirt is much more difficult to scrub off after several months compared to a few weeks.
Don’t clean your equipment half-way. Prepare for the job with a pair of gloves, scrubber, pressure washer and other safety gear to get the job done most effectively. You’ll also want to consult the owner’s manual for your equipment to find out if there are specific cleaning products you should use or avoid.
Not sure if you want to tackle the cleaning process yourself? Consider a professional lawn service company. We arrive to your property with clean and well-maintained equipment and tools every time. DIY lawn care is possible and preferred by some homeowner, but it should always involve proper lawn equipment cleaning and care. To learn more about our lawn services in Cumming, call Pannone’s Lawn Pros & Landscaping today.
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1444 Buford Hwy
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: (678) 294-0351
Email: pannoneslawnpros@gmail.com
Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM