Do you need more privacy in your yard? Shrubs can be a great addition to your landscape if you want to block an unsightly view or keep others from seeing your space. The best privacy shrubs will grow densely yet requires little maintenance. Here are a few guidelines to help you decide which type of shrub is best for you.
Maintenance: Decide how much time you are willing to put into your privacy shrubs. If you are looking for a more formal looking fence from your shrub line, then be realistic in the amount of time you have for keeping them trimmed and shaped.
Location: The place you want your shrubs to be is very important in determining which type of shrub you should go with. If want your privacy hedge near a sidewalk, pool or driveway, you will need to avoid larger shrubs that have big root systems. Remember roots grow down and laterally.
Size: In picking out your shrubs, make certain that you are aware of its mature grown size. How it looks in the pot is not necessarily how big it will get. Decide how tall yours needs to be to accomplish your privacy goals.
Hardiness Zone: Choose a shrub that grows well in your area. The best plants to use for hedges in Georgia are those fully adapted to Georgia’s humid climate. Examples of thriving Georgia privacy shrubs are Saw Palmetto, Arrowwood Viburnum, Small Anise Tree, and Southern Wax Myrtle.
Debris or No Debris: There are two types of shrubs, deciduous and evergreen. You can expect deciduous or flowering shrubs to lose their leaves and flowers with the seasons, unlike evergreens, which will not require much maintenance at all. Are you okay with debris on the ground and surrounding your privacy shrub fence?
Pannone’s Lawn Pros & Landscaping is dedicated to helping both residential and commercial customers find the best type of shrubs for privacy purposes. We can also handle as much or as little of your lawn maintenance needs that you desire. Before you invest in a traditional wooden or metal fence, do your research on types of privacy shrubs to maintain a natural, manicured look in your yard.
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1444 Buford Hwy
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: (678) 294-0351
Email: pannoneslawnpros@gmail.com
Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM